Tag: traditional building materials

4 Key Takeaways from Our 2024 Lime Finishes Summit

Monday 30 September 2024

Thanks to recent research, we are re-discovering some of the historic applications of lime in buildings, and learning how we can use lime in the modern world. Discover four key takeaways about this from our ‘What’s the Point?’ lime finishes summit.

How to look after your traditional building, so that it can look after you

Thursday 9 November 2023

Looking after traditional buildings needn’t be a complicated burden. Their long lives are testament to their quality of build, suitability...

Tour the quarries and fields that built Scotland, and could help us reach a low carbon future

Tuesday 2 November 2021

Join us on a virtual tour to find out more about Scotland's historic building materials, where they come from, what they have been used for, and ways they can help us build a sustainable future.

Down to Earth: Scotland’s Earth Building Past and Future

Wednesday 21 April 2021

When thinking about Scotland’s historic places, stone might be the first ancient building material that comes to mind. Scotland’s traditional...

A slate tour of Scotland: shaping historic roofs

Friday 22 November 2019

In this blog join us for a tour around Scotland, from the Highlands to the "slate islands", to learn all about Scottish slate and how it began to form 700 million years ago.