
Down to Earth: Scotland’s Earth Building Past and Future

Wednesday 21 April 2021

When thinking about Scotland’s historic places, stone might be the first ancient building material that comes to mind. Scotland’s traditional...

A Spotter’s Guide: Scotland’s Historic High Streets

Thursday 25 March 2021

We all have memories connected to our high streets. But our high streets are more than just our memories. In this blog, take a trip down Scotland’s historic high streets and learn how to spot the historic features that make traditional shopfronts so special.

A day in the life of a conservation scientist

Thursday 11 February 2021

What is a conservation scientist? What do they do? And how do they do it? Sarah Hamilton is one of four scientists based at our conservation centre in Stirling and is here to help you find out! Read on to learn about everything from analysing some of the most spectacular and rare fossils in the British Isles, to data processing from the kitchen table...

9 easy ways to save energy in an older home or building

Thursday 28 January 2021

Older homes are considered hard to heat. But with simple changes to your home and your behaviour, you can save energy with little to no cost. These top tips from our Senior Technical Officer Lila Angelaka are easy ways to save energy in your older home.

Exploring tenement building details: a walk around Edinburgh

Tuesday 22 December 2020

Scottish tenements boast many beautiful details. Take a tenement tour around Edinburgh and discover some of the unique flourishes that make these buildings so special.

Tour the Engine Shed with us

Thursday 3 December 2020

What's it like inside our building conservation centre? Take a virtual tour and find out!

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