
Jennifer Farquharson

Jennifer Farquharson is Content Officer at the Engine Shed. Jen creates engaging content about our sustainable conservation centre.

Posts by Jennifer Farquharson

Investigating the Stone of Destiny through science and technology

Thursday 28 November 2024

Explore five of the major scientific and digital results from the conservation of the iconic Stone of Destiny.

How can we help the historic environment cope with climate change?

Thursday 30 November 2023

Learn about some of the specific risks to historic buildings and landscapes from climate change, and discover how we can protect heritage amidst the climate crisis.

Why building conservation is important for the future

Thursday 12 October 2023

Scotland has approximately 450,000 traditionally-made buildings. Discover the principles behind looking after them, and why it's important.

Sundials, fountains and glasshouses: three gems you might find in Scotland’s historic gardens

Wednesday 2 June 2021

We’ve all got to know our local green spaces pretty well lately. But there are still hidden gems out there in Scotland’s landscapes for you to uncover. Here we take a look at glasshouses, fountains and sundials.

A Spotter’s Guide: Scotland’s Historic High Streets

Thursday 25 March 2021

We all have memories connected to our high streets. But our high streets are more than just our memories. In this blog, take a trip down Scotland’s historic high streets and learn how to spot the historic features that make traditional shopfronts so special.

A Beginners Guide to Scotland’s Historic Burials Sites

Thursday 29 October 2020

With a long history of expansion, adaptation, reuse and evolution, Scotland’s historic burial sites contain some of the country’s oldest architectural remains. But as well as the historic, they showcase modern design and craft skills. Learn how they have evolved and adapted, and how some are being used in new ways.

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