DigiDoc: Exploring innovative technologies for cultural heritage
Digital | Written by: Lyn Wilson | Friday 2 November 2018
The DigiDoc conference series aims to inspire and engage audiences and professionals alike in the use of innovative technologies for cultural heritage.
For over a decade, DigiDoc has become a platform for leading experts in the field to not only share their work, but learn from fellow visionaries in sectors across the board and on an international scale.
DigiDoc 2018
First held in 2008 when digital documentation in cultural heritage was still in its infancy, DigiDoc was held again in 2011 and 2012, before its return in 2018.
In October 2018, we were thrilled to welcome delegates from across the globe for a revival of our popular DigiDoc conference series after six years.
Our dynamic building conservation and heritage innovation centre in Stirling was the perfect venue.
The best of digital heritage
Over 200 participants from Scotland, UK, Europe, USA, China and Australia attended over three days.
World-leading innovators from gaming, TV, film and VFX industries, heritage, arts, science and education sectors gave keynote addresses on a diverse range of engaging topics.
The first day, dedicated to research and innovation, provided a friendly platform for researchers and small to medium sized businesses to showcase new and cutting edge work, along with established leaders from the UK digital heritage sector.
From gaming and film…
The range of speakers over the next two days of the conference highlighted the sheer number of sectors that digital heritage influences.
To name only a few:
- Maxime Durand, a Ubisoft Historian working with the Assassin’s Creed video games, spoke on using game environments to reach a wide audience in historic immersion
- Ben VonZastrow, a Visual Effects Artist at Tippett Studio, discussed the use of digital media and its power in evoking powerful visuals in film and heritage contexts
…to digitisation and education
We discovered challenging and cutting-edge projects to digitise collections and explored initiatives inspiring the next generation. Speakers included:
- Spectrum Heritage’s director Clara Molina Sanchez and Shona Hunter from the National Library of Scotland, spoke about the digitisation of the Cheviot, a giant cardboard pop-up book, a challenge and great success in digital documentation at its finest.
- Jen Mackay, the Education Support Officer for Digital Learning in Dundee City Council, spoke about how digital technologies can be harnessed to teach children about Scotland’s heritage, in both cultural heritage and STEM subjects alike.
View the action online
Our research and innovation day covered topics such as 3D modelling, soundscapes, virtual reconstruction, and emotive storytelling within digital heritage.
Research and Innovation Day Presentations
The next day of the conference explored a wide array of themes, including artificial intelligence and machine learning, the mass digitisation of cultural collections, along with virtual and augmented reality in historical contexts.
DigiDoc Day 1 Presentations
The final day explored everything from making 3D models accessible online, to using game, film, and virtual environments to engage audiences with heritage.
DigiDoc Day 2 Presentations
Discover more about the digital documentation team at Historic Environment Scotland.
About the author:

Lyn Wilson
Lyn is responsible for digital documentation and the application of 3D technologies within Historic Environment Scotland (HES). She has directed collaborative digital documentation projects around the globe and is currently focusing on delivery of the Rae Project, to digitally document the properties in care of HES and many of their associated collections.
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